Innovation Voucher Programme
Innovation Voucher Programme (IVP) is a unique State Government initiative to promote research and innovation among MSMEs/Start-ups from Agriculture, Environment, Energy, Horticulture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Engineering, Waste Management, Health, Automobiles, Nano-Technology, Electronics, Deep technology, etc. The selection process is done with screening committee at the State level to support innovative ideas with Grant upto Rs. 2 lakhs under Voucher A for converting the Idea into working Prototype and up to Rs. 5 lakh under Voucher B for commercialization support.
Innovation Voucher Programme encourages the MSMEs and start-ups to utilize the services of a knowledge partner for furthering their innovative enterprises at the stage of pre-development and product or process development activities.
Application Process:
Applicants are requested to read the instructions before to check the eligibility and documents required to apply and then start the online process.
Applicants may send their application along with attested copies of supporting certificates soft copy to email id: and Hard copy to the following address.
- To increase the innovation capacity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and to turn ideas into innovative products or services which are commercially viable.
- To encourage sustained collaboration between Industry, academic institutions and government.
- To raise the level of awareness and participation of MSME in science and innovation.
What is Vouchur A?
Voucher -A shall be used for innovation potential analysis prior to development of a new product or production process which includes but not limited to:
- Technology roadmap and market research.
- Feasibility studies financing plan and technology audit.
- Material studies.
- Design studies.
- Tailor training on innovation management.
- Research and Development (R&D) for development of a new product, process or service.
What is Voucher B?
Voucher – B - is to be used to promote existing or an early stage company in quickly accessing potential markets by developing and innovative commercial product and includes activities leading to not limited to:-
- Service engineering.
- Prototyping.
- Designs services.
- Technology transfer and IP procurement.
- Product testing quality assurance validation and certificate.
- Project management.
Eligibility condition:
- Should be a manufacturing MSME.
- Be registered and located in Tamil Nadu.
- Willing to co finance the innovation investment as per IVP norms.
- Should have a CIBIL score of 750 or more.
- Should not have any prior contract with Knowledge Partner.
Who are Knowledge Partners?
- Reputed national research institutions such as CECRI, FTRI, IICPT, CLRI, CIPET, etc.
- Research department attached to a university or institution of higher learning recognized by UGC.
- Research lab of KNC or other large industries.
- Product design consulting firms and design lab with at least 3 years experience.
- Preferably located within Tamil Nadu.
- Capable of providing scientific or technical expertise and
- Has resources to perform research and development (R&D)
- Knowledge Partner / Researcher and applicant should not be related.
Knowledge Partners will be required to empanel themselves through IVP online portal. The IVP Screening Committee will scrutinize and recommend fit applications.
EDII-TN invites Application for the Innovation voucher Program throughout TamilNadu.